(4) Tools for the Design Revolution

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(4.1) The exhibition on tour – Tools for the Design Revolution at the Designmonat Graz


Tools for the Design Revolution

4 May–2 June 2013

Opening: 3 May 2013,
19:30 designHalle
Lazarettgürtel 62, 8020 Graz

(4.2) Workshop: Tools for the Design Revolution


Tools for the Design Revolution

29–30 Juny 2012
MAK Ausstellungshalle

(4.3) The book: Tools for the Design Revolution. Design Knowledge for the Future.


Tools for the Design Revolution

With texts by Harald Gruendl, Christina Nägele, Marco Kellhammer, Ulrike Haele

(4.4) Tools for the Design Revolution at Salone del Mobile Milano


Tools for the Design Revolution

9–14 April 2013
Austrian Design DETAILS 2013
Salone Internazionale del Mobile Milano

(4.5) The Consequences of Design


Tools for the Design Revolution

Intervention at the imm cologne
14–20 January 2013

(4.6) The exhibition on tour: Tools for the Design Revolution – designforum Vorarlberg


Tools for the Design Revolution

15 March–19 April 2013
designforum Vorarlberg, CAMPUS,
Hintere Achmühlerstraße 1, 6850 Dornbirn

(4.7) Harald Gründl at Southwest Jiatong University


Tools for the Design Revolution

15–16 November 2012 Harald Gründl held a lecture about Tools for the Design Revolution
Southwest Jiatong University, Chengdu

(4.8) Tools for the Design Revolution


Tools for the Design Revolution

29 September –4 November 2012
designforum Vienna MQ
Museuemsplatz1, 1070 Vienna