
Circular Design Rules

16–25 September 2022
Festivalzentrale im GEWÖLBE
Rahlgasse 8 (Rahlstiege), 1060 Vienna


(1.11) VIENNA DESIGN WEEK '22 Circular Design Rules and Tools

Ten years after the exhibition TOOLS FOR THE DESIGN REVOLUTION, the IDRV – Institute of Design Research Vienna reflected on the tools developed at the time in the context of its current activities. The rules presented in 2022 as part of the Circular Economy Strategy of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, as well as the Circular Design Rules toolkit introduced at the festival the previous year, served as starting points for new discussions.

©️VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Kramar 

The exhibition at the festival headquarters in the GEWÖLBE showcased selected design examples that made the institute’s research tangible.

The open design of the 10Rs exhibition architecture by Studiotut was in the context of the Vienna Design Week redesigned by EOOS NEXT.

©️VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Kramar