StadtFabrik <br /> COMMONING Discussion

COMMONING Discussion

A city’s commons are its material, spatial resources just as much as its intangible goods of information, knowledge, art, culture, or software. Commons only become usable via their concomitant, creative social processes—commoning. Practices of co-creation, co-production, and co-utilization open new business and creative fields of endeavors.

For the debate, principles of the economy for the common good will be introduced and applications from creative industrial practice shown. Up for discussion will be the limits and possibilities of the urban commons, as well as the question of what happens when individual copyright in creative fields becomes transferrable as a common good.


  • Christian Felber, author and advisor for economic and social issues, founding member of Attac Austria, initiator of the project “Bank for the Common Good,” and developer of the alternative economic system “Economy for the Common Good,” Vienna.
  • Gabu Heindl, architect and urban planner, Chairperson of the Board of the ÖGFA (Austrian Society for Architecture), co-author of Gestaltungsleitlinien für den Wiener Donaukanal, Vienna
  • Lisa Muhr, founder of the fashion label Göttin des Glücks (3rd balance sheet for the common good 2015), course director of “Green Economy” at the FH Wieselburg
  • Magdalena Reiter, designer, Open Design protagonist, Linz

Moderator: Harald Gründl, design theorist, head of IDRV– Institute of Design Research Vienna, designer (EOOS), Vienna

Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 6:30 p.m.

MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art
Stubenring 5, 1010 Vienna
Image: bodies in urban space, 2014 © Willi Dorner, Lisa Rastl

Video: © MAK

Photos: © IDRV [CC by-SA-NC]