Culture Connected – »We are all astronauts«

“Culture Connected” is a project by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, aiming to promote cooperation between schools and cultural partners. Students can get the possibility to work on cultural projects.

The IDRV developed a project based on the ideas of Buckminster Fullers “world game”. In cooperation with designaustria and BaKip8 we started to realize »we are all astronauts – students designing a worldgame« in summer term 2013. The game is about sharing knowledge on the distribution of global resources and infrastructures getting towards a world based on global solidarity.

Students of the 4a of BAKip 8 generate the ideas in geography (Barbara Murg) and drawing and crafts class (Lisa Zöchling) supported by the IDRV and designaustria.

The presentation will take place in May 27th, 2013 at the Museumsquartier, Vienna.

we are all astronauts