City Factory: New Work. New Design

City Factory: New Work. New Design

Wed, 21 Jun – Sun, 1 Oct 2017
MAK Exhibition Hall

In the framework of the VIENNA BIENNALE 2017, the exhibition City Factory: New Work. New Design will develop three socially relevant topics about the work of the future: new creative work and transdisciplinary co-creativity; new social work, including work for the common good (Commoning); and new sustainable work in the sense of the circular economy and innovative utilization of urban resources.

International designers and architects will develop projects for all three areas especially for the Biennale. The topics and the terms associated with them will be presented around the central objects by means of additional projects and extensive image materials, texts, and videos.

Demonstrators, which were discovered together with the Vienna Business Agency and its creative center departure through a call for proposals and which will be curated and supervised by IDRV, will be working on these three topics directly within the confines of the city. Demonstrators are prototypical experimental arrangements in urban space that contend with sustainable fields of work in the creative industries. They correspond to the core topics of the exhibition City Factory: New Work. New Design and will be located in the MAK exhibition accordingly.

Photo: © IDRV [CC by-SA-NC]