Book Launch: <br />Tools for the Designrevolution. <br />Design Knowledge for the Future.

Book Launch:
Tools for the Designrevolution.
Design Knowledge for the Future.

How can you determine the climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions of an espresso machine using a hammer, a screwdriver and a kitchen scale? Switching between activist demands and subtle humor, Tools for the Design Revolution illustrates the role design can play in formulating a sustainable society based on global solidarity. Many barely noticed everyday objects have a massive impact on the environment.

The book illustrates this clearly and presents practical tools that designers, businesses and consumers alike can use as basic equipment for a reflected life. These promote informed design, development and consumption of design that breaks away from traditional subject-specific ideas. The design knowledge for the future comes out of learning from and with each other through experimental strategies and models of thinking in conjunction with scientifically based methods. It opens up spaces of thought and action for change and imparts practical knowledge to design a different future.

Follow-up project of the exhibition Tools for the Design Revolution initiated by IDRV in cooperation with designaustria, 2012


This publication has been made possible through the support of:
Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Sektion  Kunst / Kultur

Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management


The book is available in mid-may in your local bookshop.

IDRV – Institute of Design Research Vienna, Harald Gruendl,
Marco Kellhammer, Christina Nägele (ed.)
With texts by Harald Gruendl, Christina Nägele,
Marco Kellhammer, Ulrike Haele
Tools for the Design Revolution
Design Knowledge for the Future
192 pages, illustrated throughout
16,6 × 24 cm, softcover
Euro (D) 29.80, Euro (A) 30.60, CHF 38.–
German Edition: ISBN 978-3-7212-0902-0
English Edition: ISBN 978-3-7212-0903-7

We cordially invite you: Presentation of the new book!
May 22nd, 07.00 pm, mobiles Stadtlabor by Faculty for architecture and planning, Vienna University of Technology
Resselpark, at Karlsplatz Vienna