
Design Revolution Now!
Design Revolution Now! A contribution will be developed in small group format (10-12 students), which will be implemented as part of the Vienna Design Week 2024 (September 20-29, 2024). The revolutionary potential of the design discipline is the starting point of an action that is designed and implemented by the participating students as either a permanent or temporary […] Read more – ‘Design Revolution Now!’.
Design Revolution Now!
Design Revolution Now! The course is aimed at students of all design studies (industrial design, fashion, graphics, teaching) who want to support and bring about radical, immediate social and economic change with the creative and theoretical tools of their discipline. Design theories from the fields of circular design and regenerative design serve as a discursive basis for reflecting […] Read more – ‘Design Revolution Now!’.
Design for the Circular Economy
Design for the Circular Economy University for Applied Arts Vienna Design, Industrial Design 2 Summersemster 2022   The course deals with the central role of designers in the transition from a linear to a circular economy. Based on the semester projects and in exchange with experts from research and business, circular design strategies were identified, contextualized with knowledge and implemented […] Read more – ‘Design for the Circular Economy’.
Lehrveranstaltungen “Technik / Nachhaltigkeit”
Lehrveranstaltungen “Technik / Nachhaltigkeit” Lehrveranstaltungen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit 2018S Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Mag. Dr. Martina Fineder IDRV-Institute of Design Research Vienna Sommersemester 2018 GK 2.5 Fertigungstechnik Recycling/Upcycling (Gestaltungsunterricht) GK 3.7 Proseminararbeit aus Technik/Nachhaltigkeit (Vorlesung mit Proseminar) GL 3.7 Technik/Nachhaltigkeit (Vorlesung mit Proseminar)   Read more – ‘Lehrveranstaltungen “Technik / Nachhaltigkeit”’.
Privatissimum für DissertantInnen
Privatissimum für DissertantInnen Privatissimum für DissertantInnen 2018S Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien Priv.Doz. Dr.phil. Harald Gründl IDRV-Insitute of Design Research Vienna 2018S, LV-Nr. S02280, 2.0 SemStd. Anmeldung Read more – ‘Privatissimum für DissertantInnen’.
online Lecture
Tools for the Design Revolution
online Lecture <br/> Tools for the Design Revolution Design strategies for the future. Among the introduction of sustainable design, to the worlds’ situation and the need for a change, alternatives and strategies for an informed design process are pointed out and explained to finally design new scenarios for a sustainable future. The collection includes short essays, as well as animated illustrations and interviews […] Read more – ‘online Lecture
Tools for the Design Revolution’
online Seminar
Werkzeuge für die Designrevolution
online Seminar <br />Werkzeuge für die Designrevolution Designstrategien für die Zukunft. Neben dem Einstieg in das Thema Sustainable Design, über die Lage der Welt und der Notwendigkeit eines Wandels, werden Alternativen und Strategien einer informierten Gestaltung aufgezeigt und erläutert, um schließlich selber neue Szenarien im Sinne einer weltverträglichen Zukunft zu entwerfen. Die Sammlung umfasst kurze Textbeiträge, sowie animierte Darstellungen und Interviews mit […] Read more – ‘online Seminar
Werkzeuge für die Designrevolution’
University of Applied Arts Vienna: A Global Banquet – Dinner Quest
University of Applied Arts Vienna: A Global Banquet – Dinner Quest Winter Term 2013/14 Every person – whether alive now or in the future -has the same right to use resources. Our diet has a significant impact on human-caused CO2 emissions. In fact it is the second-most important factor after mobility to achieve a worldfriendly lifestyle. Three recipes have been adapted to a daily amount of […] Read more – ‘University of Applied Arts Vienna: A Global Banquet – Dinner Quest’.
Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design: Design Lecture by Harald Gründl EOOS and IDRV
Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design: Design Lecture by Harald Gründl EOOS and IDRV Design Lectures / winter term 2012/13 By invitation of Prof. Thomas Feichtner Harald Gründl held two lectures in a row. First he talked about the genesis of the deisgn studio EOOS, which he founded in 1994 with his two partners (martin Bergmann, Gernot Bohmann) and presented some selected projects. He focused on projects like the […] Read more – ‘Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design: Design Lecture by Harald Gründl EOOS and IDRV’.
Southwest Jiatong University in Chengdu: Tools for the Design Revolution
Southwest Jiatong University in Chengdu: Tools for the Design Revolution From 15th to 16th of November 2012 Harald Gründl held a lecture about Tools for the Design Revolution in Chengdu at Southwest Jiatong University. The workshop at the Chengdu University was planned for a broader audience, interdisciplinary working people from the field of design and other creative industries, it is especially designed for advanced master […] Read more – ‘Southwest Jiatong University in Chengdu: Tools for the Design Revolution’.
TU Wien: Practice and Theory of Sustainable Design
TU Wien: Practice and Theory of Sustainable Design In summer term 2012 Harald Gruendl again will be engaged as co-lecturer for the module “Sudeco… for sustainable design and communication strategies” at the Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design at the Technical University Vienna. This time the module will emphasize on the important role of future designers as agents to trigger a changeover towards a sustainable consumer culture and living […] Read more – ‘TU Wien: Practice and Theory of Sustainable Design’.
TU Wien: Sustainable Design and Communication Strategies
TU Wien: Sustainable Design and Communication Strategies In the summer term 2011, Harald Gruendl was engaged as a lecturer for the newly created module on “Sudeco… for sustainable design and communication strategies” at the Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design (Prof. Françoise-Hélène Jourda) at the Vienna University of Technology. The students’ task was to create hanging lamps made of a material with sustainability in mind (paper!) and get them ready for […] Read more – ‘TU Wien: Sustainable Design and Communication Strategies’.
HFBK Hamburg: Agriculture and the City
HFBK Hamburg: Agriculture and the City In the future, the design field will require new approaches and new design skills! The aim of this seminar in summer term 2011 was to strengthen these skills, and to challenge artistically the new roles and responsibilities of design in society. The well-designed consumer product is no longer central; rather it is the complex interaction of design interventions […] Read more – ‘HFBK Hamburg: Agriculture and the City’.
Die Angewandte: YouTube Design History
Die Angewandte: YouTube Design History In the course of Harald Gruendl’s summer term 2010 design history seminar at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the students were asked to edit ca. 10-minute video clips on the modern era. The videos designed by the students tie in thematically to the time period from 1850 to 1930. After a critical evaluation of the […] Read more – ‘Die Angewandte: YouTube Design History’.