Circle 00002 (r=4)
Design science – and what makes it tick!

Video documentation of Circle 00002 (in German). Just flip through the playlist.
Dear iPhone/iPad users: We make an iOS version available as soon as provided by Vimeo. They are working on this issue.

You can download the transcript of Circle 00002 and print it out at home (in German).
Here you can download the Circle 00002 poster and hang it up.

Overview of the event:
Circle 00002 (r=4): Design science – and what makes it tick!
16.09.2011, 6 pm, Designforum Wien, MQ

Panel members:
Gesche Joost
Alexander Damianisch
Thomas Geisler
Harald Gründl

Content of the discussion:
As a young discipline, design studies/science is currently establishing itself within the worldwide community of academia. The participants of Circle 00002 discussed various positions from the fields of design research, design theory as well as from the funding institutions’ perspective. They also asked for the relevance of academic research practices for everyday creative processes and the understanding of today’s product and consumer culture.

Circle 00002 (r=4) was kindly supported by the BMUKK.